Members Trust Board Local Governing Bodies Solihull Redditch Meon Vale Haselor Yew Tree Robert Smyth Academy St James Worcester Samworth Kingshurst Perdiswell Hockley Heath Langley Audit and Risk Committee Operations Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Education Performance Committee Executive Board Education Executive Board Operations School Improvement Board Non-executive governance Executive governance Teaching School Hub and School Centred Initial Teacher Training Committee

  • Dr W P Rock (PR)
  • Mr D Brooks (DB), Chair  
  • Ms S Bains (SB)
  • Mr G M Pearce (GP), Chair
  • Mrs J A Potter (JP)
  • Mr J S Chivers (SC)
  • His Honour Murray Creed
  • Mrs J A Bexon-Smith (JBS), Chair
  • Mrs L Campbell (LC)
  • Mr G Campbell (GC)
  • Mrs V Stone-Fewings (VSF), non-voting member (Resigned 05/10/2023)
  • Professor Tarek Mostafa
  • Mrs R Cotton (RC)
  • Mr T Drakeford (TD), Chair
  • Mr C Flood (CF)
  • Mr M Firmstone (MF)

Collecting and Publishing Trust Board and Local Governing Body Data

Diversity is important and we want our Trust Board and Local Governing Bodies to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve.

Provision of diversity data is voluntary.  We have asked all Local Governors and Trustees to submit their data on a voluntary basis.  At this point only 45% of Local Governors and Trustees have submitted data.  This is felt to be insufficient to be a true reflection of governance within our Trust and therefore at this stage we have no data to publish. This will be monitored on an annual basis.